Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Day 6: Santa Barbara

Woke up in the cool humid fog of Santa Barbara. I love how my skin and hair feel in the humidity! It makes me want to live here always. That, and the perfect temperatures. Finally we cool off enough to wear a sweat shirt.

I go with Anne and Chelsea to a 2 hour yoga Pilates class while Adrian and DBD and Ben go fishing.

Yoga class is so great with a 20 minute guided mediation. Ahhhhhhhh

Then we meet the men at The Alley for lunch at the harbor. They had a successful morning catching rock fish and have enough for several meals. They had smooth water but lots of fog.

Now I switch places with Adrian and go out on the boat with DBD, Ben and Juniper. Now the wind has picked up and we have choppy water. Junie and I sit up front and get splashed in the spray, but it is warm and fun to be out in the ocean in Dave's boat.

I help the guys clean up the boat since all the salt water has to be rinsed off after each time out. Then we head home.

Anne is beading pearl and leather bracelets, so I try to make one too. The Turner family is in town and they stop by to visit. We all talk about Lake Powell and we hear good stories. Lots of sad discussion of the tragedy in AZ where the Hot Shots died in the fire. It is heartbreaking.

We finally get ready to go to dinner at The Palace. An authentic Cajun New Orleans restaurant where Anne has worked for 20 years right in down town.

We are greeted by Micheal the Zydeco accordion player when we arrive who gets us to join in a song. Adrian plays the washboard while I get the triangle.

Dinner is amazing! Oysters, popcorn crawfish, BBQ shrimp, Dixie beer, Cajun martini, bread pudding and chocolate suffle. Wow! Thank you, Anne and the entire Palace staff. They outdid themselves by making us a special dessert plate with our names.

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